Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Vaxx Has 74% Miscarriage Rate

Here is some alarming data regarding the "safety" of the mRNA "vaccines":

If the goal here was to prevent disease, the jabs are ineffective.

However, if the goal was to cull the human herd, I'd say they are turning out to be quite EFFECTIVE.

Ask yourself WHY nearly the ENTIRE global medical community is ignoring the adverse effects of these "vaccines". Are they THAT cowardly, or is something else going on?

My guess is that an elite group of privileged people (including most doctors, who consider themselves entitled to make life and death decisions for the rest of us) has decided to kill billions of humans as a "public health" measure.

If you recall, this is what the Nazi doctors did. And if you also recall, they got the idea from the US.

Starting in 1945, the Nazi doctors were held accountable. Who is going to hold today's fascist doctors accountable, and when? There's a lot of buzz on this topic, but so far nothing which is likely to be effective.

Update - 7/28/2022

Here is additional discussion:

Great speech, but how do we hold the criminals accountable when they appear to hold all the reins of power?

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