Monday, July 18, 2022

Massive Loss Of Food

Here is a report about the loss of 60,000 tons of frozen food:

Assuming this is true, there is something very suspicious going on here.

Considering the global situation with food, how can we explain NOT getting more serious about saving what we have?

At this rate, there will be a LOT of people going hungry soon.

Update - 7/20/2022

Here is additional discussion:

Yes, this is really strange. Huge facilities like these should have engineered safeguards to prevent such losses. So what happened?

And none of this food could have been distributed to food banks or otherwise used to feed the poor? Why did it ALL apparently have to be destroyed?

Disgusting !!!

Update - 7/21/2022

Here is more discussion:

It's quite possible these "failures" are due to the precarious state of our industrial base and electrical grids. If so, all were preventable ... but "our" government and corporations let them happen. Whatever the case, I suspect these won't be the last. The US appears to be in terminal decline.

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