Friday, July 15, 2022


Three quotes about Joe Biden's war of aggression in Ukraine:

“I’ve spent my career working in the mainstream, and I’ve covered probably seven, eight, nine shooting wars; I’ve never seen coverage so utterly consumed by a tsunami of jingoism, and of manipulative jingoism as this one.”

~ John Pilger

“It’s quite interesting that in American discourse, it is almost obligatory to refer to the invasion as the ‘unprovoked invasion of Ukraine’. Look it up on Google, you will find hundreds of thousands of hits. Of course, it was provoked. Otherwise they wouldn’t refer to it all the time as an unprovoked invasion.”

~ Noam Chomsky

“At no time, including the Cuban missile crisis, have we stood closer to the precipice of nuclear war.”

~ Chris Hedges

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Did Congress declare war? Of course not. They just stole our money to fund it.

Did anyone ask your permission to completely "reset" the world on terms favorable to an ultra-rich elite? Of course not.

So who is running this country? It sure isn't you or me.

Here is a quote about US print media which may help shed some light on the issue:

Along with companion outlets like the Washington Post and The Atlantic (as pure a reflection of establishment thought as exists in America), the paper [The New York Times] in this sense fulfills the same function that Izvestia once served in the Soviet Union, telling us little or even less than nothing about breaking news events (“Can NATO Long Exist?” was among Pravda’s final questions in 1991) but giving us comprehensive, if often coded, portraits of the thinking of the leadership class.

~ Matt Taibbi

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Ah, the "leadership class", some of whom aren't even US citizens.

Considering what they've been doing, isn't it their assets which should be frozen and their mansions, planes, and yachts which should be seized?

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