Tuesday, May 10, 2022

The Boxer Rebellion

Did you read George Orwell's Animal Farm in school? I did. It used to be a staple of Cold War literature.

One of the characters in the story was a work horse named Boxer. The powerful and hard-working Boxer did most of the heavy labor at the farm. The entire animal community revered his dedication and strength. When the going got tough, he always vowed to work harder. But when Boxer finally got old and couldn't work any more, the pigs (who at that point ran the farm) sent Boxer off to the knackers to be slaughtered and rendered into hide and glue.

The pigs who run our country have been treating the US working and middle classes like Orwell's pigs treated Boxer. We worked our butts off to build this county, shed our blood and gave our lives to defend it, and sacrificed what might have been a better, more comfortable future - all for the promise of life, liberty, and the right to pursue our own happiness. And what did the pigs give us in return?


They stole our wealth, dissed our heritage, poisoned the minds of our children, maimed-sterilized-killed us with drugs and phony "vaccines", and now are in the process of sending us off to the knackers - soon to be without Social Security, Medicare, or even a stable national currency.

At the end Boxer was too weak to resist his fate. But is it too late for us? Many of us are relatively healthy, and we still possess the tools The Founders gave us so we could resist and defeat the kind of pigs who now seek to enslave or kill us.

Why aren't we using them? What has happened to the land of the free and the home of the brave?

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