Sunday, May 22, 2022

Deserting The Navy

I was in the Navy from 1974 to 1983. We had no desertions on my ships, and I don't recall any within the local commands.

But now desertions are skyrocketing, at least in relative terms:

From what is described in the article, I'm not surprised.

On ship, all you have is a bunk (which you might have to share) and a small locker (which may not actually lock). You have regular meals, but not necessary water for bathing or laundry. It's tolerable, but only for short periods.

To throw poorly paid, lower ranking enlisted men out to find lodging on the local economy, especially in high rent areas, is ridiculous. If this is how we treat sailors and their families, I can understand why they're deserting.

We've barely got enough money to protect our borders, let alone police the world. Our foolish military, foreign, and financial policies are going to bankrupt us. How many sailors will desert when they're no longer paid?

What are the clowns in DC thinking?

Update - 5/23/2022

Here is additional discussion:

My advice? Don't sign up for something you really don't want to do.

It's not a job, it's not an adventure. It's oftern hard work, and there's a good chance you will be maimed or killed.

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