Saturday, June 5, 2021

Why We'll Never Be Rid Of COVID

This statement expresses a belief which I think is prevalent throughout the scientific community:

"If a coronavirus with the mortality of Ebola emerges, we are all screwed. And someday, one will emerge so we need to be ready."

I personally do not believe that, but influential people do. And because they do, they'll continue to push for vaccines with "rare" side effects to make certain we're ready.

In my view, the only way we could be "ready" is if the virus which "emerges" is one created by humanity, which apparently is exactly what happened with SARS-CoV-2.

You know, we were pretty safe here in the US until we allowed mass, uncontrolled international travel, stopped controlling our borders, and started funding gain-of-function research. As far as I am concerned, those were the MAJOR causal factors for the re-emergence of measles and for the COVID-19 pandemic.

But you can believe whatever you want and take all the vaccines they want you to take. Maybe it will help, maybe not. I've only got a few years left, and hopefully the "Ebola-covid" won't "emerge" before I'm ready to go.

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