Thursday, June 24, 2021

Food Shortage Ahead ???

What the heck is going on in California? Here is some timely analysis by F. William Engdahl:

After 2011, California underwent a severe seven year drought. The drought ended in 2019 as major rains filled the California reservoir system to capacity. According to state water experts the reservoirs held enough water to easily endure at least a five-year drought. Yet two years later, the administration of Governor Newsom is declaring a new drought and threatening emergency measures. What his Administration is not saying is that the State Water Board and relevant state water authorities have been deliberately letting water flow into the Pacific Ocean. Why? They say to save two endangered fish species that are all but extinct - one, a rare type of Salmon, the second a Delta Smelt, a tiny minnow-size fish of some 2" size which has all but disappeared.

In June 2019 Shasta Dam, holding the state’s largest reservoir as a keystone of the huge Central Valley Project, was full to 98% of capacity. Just two years later in May 2021 Shasta Lake reservoir held a mere 42% of capacity, almost 60% down. Similarly, in June 2019 Oroville Dam reservoir, the second largest, held water at 98% of capacity and by May 2021 was down to just 37%. Other smaller reservoirs saw similar drops. Where has all the water gone?

Allegedly to "save" these fish varieties, during just 14 days in May, according to Kristi Diener, a California water expert and farmer, "90% of (Bay Area) Delta inflow went to sea. It’s equal to a year’s supply of water for 1 million people." Diener has been warning repeatedly in recent years that water is unnecessarily being let out to sea as the state faces a normal dry year. She asks, "Should we be having water shortages in the start of our second dry year? No. Our reservoirs were designed to provide a steady five year supply for all users, and were filled to the top in June 2019."

You can read the rest @

I don't know if this is a "sinister agenda" or just the sort of misguided thinking which lately seems to flow from our universities and research facilities. Whatever the case, it almost certainly will result in human suffering and potential loss of human life. Is that what we want?

We really need to do what Switzerland has been doing - ALL important decisions (i.e., those which affect the vast majority of citizens) should be subject to a national referendum. It's high time we stop letting educated morons make such decisions for us.

This is something we should have learned from their pandemic, during which their lies and distortions of the facts resulted in decisions which caused widespread loss of life and the near destruction of our national economy.

When the hell are we going to wake up - when there's no food on the shelves?

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