Sunday, June 20, 2021

Do We Need A New Flag ???

According to some, the US needs a new flag. You can read about it here:

Note this is a "Juneteenth" op-ed, not a "Flag Day" publication. Strange.

From my perspective, our current flag represents the unity of fifty sovereign states. The one suggested in the above op-ed appears to represent the unity of vaguely defined races and social groups. How would such a flag work for you?

Here is an adaptation of something I wrote in my 2015 book No More Patriots. I think it more than applies to our current situation:

The most fundamental and pervasive form of extremism is patriotism, and its chief symbol is the national flag. By redefining patriotism as a hate crime and extinguishing the symbolic power of the flag, we can achieve an effect similar to the denazification effort in Germany following World War Two.

[Here is a portion of a speech given by a fictional President at Fort McHenry, and I can easily imagine similar words coming from the mouth of Joe Biden.]

"Most of you have heard the story of America’s flag and how its colors came to be. It has been said that the color red is for valor, the color white is for purity, and the color blue is for justice. But most of you also know that in spite of our valor too much blood has been shed over this flag, and too little justice achieved in its name.

"The children who stand before us today represent the future of the United States and of the world. The white color of the garments they have so skillfully crafted perfectly symbolizes what we all want them to be – pure of heart and healthy of mind.

"They live so that America can live, and no longer must they shed blood in our name. They will achieve the justice that our ancestors either could not or would not achieve, and in so doing they will make the world a better place for all people.

"Their salvation and ours will come from destruction of the ‘old’ America and from the construction of a ‘new’ nation. There are still many old ways of thinking, old ways of doing things, and old symbols that must be swept away for this to happen, and I encourage all of you to make this destruction your life’s work. Change is good, and it starts with the destruction of the old.

"I am today issuing an Executive Order defining ‘patriotism’ as a hate crime and outlawing all formerly patriotic symbols and displays, including the stars and stripes flag. These symbols of our violent past must be forgotten if we want to achieve peace and bequeath to our children a better world."

The President then directed the striking of the colors, and the giant garrison flag was taken down. A white surrender flag of equal size was run up the pole in its place. In synchronization with that act, the colors were struck at all US government facilities and installations and from all commissioned vessels, and replaced with similar white flags. By the end of the day, the stars and stripes flag had completely disappeared throughout the land.

As I watched the nation’s flag coming down, apparently for the last time, the whole surreal chain of events somehow reminded me of the sounds of Jimi Hendrix at Woodstock slaying his version of "Star Spangled Banner." I just couldn’t believe this was actually happening, and I couldn’t do anything except stand there and watch in slack-jawed amazement.

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Apparently we'll soon witness a similar scene in our formerly great nation. Do you think creating a new flag will bring us together and help create a better future? I doubt it, but you never know. Stranger things have happened.

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