Sunday, August 2, 2015

Why Does US Army Want To Attack Us ???

A new report from the U.S. Army War College discusses the use of American troops to quell civil unrest brought about by a worsening economic crisis.

The report from the War College’s Strategic Studies Institute warns that the U.S. military must prepare for a “violent, strategic dislocation inside the United States” that could be provoked by “unforeseen economic collapse” or “loss of functioning political and legal order.” The report also warns of a possible “rapid dissolution of public order in all or significant parts of the US.”

Here is a link to the report:


It should be clear to any person (except the brain-dead) that the main causes of any potential economic collapse or loss of order are the stupidity of the US government and the corporations which control it. For them to want to use our own army to attack We The People is the height of perfidy.

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