Friday, July 24, 2015

Drug Cartel Shoots Down US Helicopter

Apparently a Mexican drug cartel shot down a US Border Patrol helicopter:

Q: Why are we spending so much time and effort in Afghanistan but so little protecting our own border?

A: Afghanistan is the world's biggest supplier of opium for heroin production (and must be protected regardless of the cost), and Mexico is the biggest importer of heroin into the US (and apparently must be protected at all costs).

Cui bono?

Can you prove that NONE of the monies being funneled through the so-called Clinton Foundation came from drug trafficking?

Can you prove that NONE of the monies used to fund the CIA came from drug trafficking?

Can you prove that NONE of the monies being used to fund election campaigns in the US came from drug trafficking?

No, you can't. And no one is even TRYING to find out.

By the way, here's some background on the situation in Mexico:

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