Monday, September 1, 2014

FBI Still Disconnecting OKC Bombing Dots

Here is a recent report on efforts to get the FBI to admit that Tim McVeigh was assisted by at least one accomplice when he parked his truck bomb outside the Murrah Building in OKC. Apparently the FBI intimidated one of its own former undercover operatives who was scheduled to testify in the matter:

He was told he should take a vacation and that if he did testify he should suffer from a case of the "I don’t remembers”.


I have followed this issue for quite a while, and the available evidence suggests that the FBI confiscated and hid all the surveillance video tapes in OKC because at least one of them shows "John Doe No. 2" and may also show that there were explosives inside the building which detonated after the truck exploded.

Attorney Jesse Trentadue is no "conspiracy theorist". He is a rational person who has discovered that his government is lying.

Apparently the former undercover operative may have participated in FBI's Operation PATCON and similar operations which were intended to bad jacket and ensnare militia members and other patriotic groups. In other words, they were more instances of the US government waging war on its own citizens:

By the way, in a possibly unrelated event former FBI Director Louis Freeh was injured in a strange car accident a few weeks after the above-mentioned trial related to the OKC bombing:

PATCON appears to have been terminated by the time Freeh became FBI Director. He was the Director when the OKC bombing occurred, during the subsequent investigation, and when Kenny Trentadue was murdered, apparently by the FBI itself. Freeh left the FBI a few months prior to the 9/11 attacks, and his ultimate replacement (Robert Mueller) had only been on the job for a week when the attacks occurred.

How convenient: hand the job to a novice right before the biggest terror attack in US history.

Update: The Freeh car accident is turning out to have been rather bizarre. Here are some of the facts and remaining questions:

The FBI apparently has killed several witnesses over the years. Are they now escalating their "dot disconnection" efforts to include former FBI Directors? It would not surprise me.

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