Saturday, March 12, 2022

Warriors Beware

Note well the new way the US fights its foreign wars does NOT require the use of US citizen-soldiers as boots on the ground in the battlefield. Ukraine is a case in point.

Instead "our" soldiers, sailors, and airmen are used as unwitting participants in domestic culture wars and as lab rats in potentially lethal medical experiments. The end result will be to kill them off.

But since there is (for now) a never ending supply of this cannon fodder, TPTB won't really give a damn when they die. They'll soon have Skynet at their disposal.

By the way, the belief that Skynet will become "self aware" and start killing humans is misleading. TPTB are an integral part of what will become Skynet, and THEY will lead the charge to kill the rest of us. You can see this reality in what they're already doing.

The triple threats of disease, war, and famine we all now face were engineered by them. Even if you disagree with that assessment, it at least should be clear TPTB did NOTHING to stop all this from happening when they easily could have.

Why then have we allowed them to remain in power?

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