Monday, March 28, 2022

Starlink Is A Military Weapon

By giving them Starlink terminals, El-On Musk is helping the Ukrainians conduct drone warfare:

Some may applaud this move, but the rest of us should consider what it means for our future. Once such orbital systems are complete, it will be impossible to escape the panopticon-like surveillance and control they enable. Dissenters and violators can and will be canceled or killed without warning.

Such a system will be the backbone of Skynet. You may think that's wonderful, since "Americans" will control it, but think again.

We the People will not benefit - we are the primary targets.

Yet in holding scientific discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

"Could become" is now "has become". You saw it start with COVID-19, and now it's happening with energy policy, war making, and food production and distribution. Once WWIII ramps up in earnest, there will be no going back.

Why isn't "our" Congress debating this? Because the geriatric morons who control it WANT this war. It will give them the excuse they need to do whatever they want. A nuclear strike is the inevitable trigger, and it will signify the moment that government of the people, by the people, for the people, will have perished from the earth.

We all saw it coming, we all did nothing to stop it, and we all shall reap what we have sown.

Update - 4/17/2022

Here is confirmation of the claim I made in the title of this post:

Once the world realizes that US "civilian" infrastructure really belongs to the military, will they be so eager to accept it?

And you can imagine how Russia may retaliate against Musk. This could get ugly (as if it isn't already).

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