Thursday, April 15, 2021

Leaving Afghanistan

The US allegedly will be withdrawing its troops from Afghanistan on 9/11:

But don't expect Uncle Sam to ever leave Afghanistan alone:

Here are a few things the fact checkers may have missed:

1. We could have been out years ago, but everyone resisted Trump's desire to end the forever war. Why? And why pull out now (see below)?

2. Afghanistan had NOTHING to do with 9/11, so withdrawal on that date is a red herring.

3. Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda worked for the US (in fact "the list" has always been a tally of CIA assets), so I guess it's no surprise they will continue to do so.

This is all such a farce, with the MSM (again) giving credit to Biden for something he didn't do and probably cannot really comprehend.

So ... where will all these troops be going? To the smoking ruins of Ukraine? Good luck with that, as it seems to be the start of the next forever war.

Update - 4/16/2021

Here is additional discussion:

Update - 4/17/2021

And yet more discussion:

Once again, it's all just smoke and mirrors. Biden is the quintessential deep state puppet.

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