Friday, April 30, 2021

France Vs. USA

Many of the military generals of France are proposing drastic action to preserve the French way of life. You can read about it here:

The US is now experiencing similar threats to our heritage and our way of life, but instead of helping to preserve them, our president apparently has joined those who want to see them destroyed reinvented:

And how many US generals and admirals have you heard condemning Antifa, BLM, critical race theorists, and others who spit on America and want to see our nation vilified and torn down brick by brick? None?

The difference seems to be that in France people still take seriously their responsibility to defend the republic, while in the US no one at the top gives a damn about such things anymore.

I have no idea whether the French military will take action to preserve their republic, but I am certain the US military will do NOTHING to preserve ours.

Apparently they've all been bought and paid for.

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