Monday, December 30, 2019

Five Trends To Watch

Here are some predictions for the next decade:
  1. The central banks pouring money and credit into the financial system in an effort to keep the economy moving forward.
  2. The growing number of social ills, sick, and dysfunctional people.
  3. Political shifts and polarization are rapidly increasing. - Populism has been growing for several years when combined with surging inequality and discontent people rise-up in protest.
  4. As technology and artificial intelligence advance those in power are moving forward using these tools to turn us into pawns.
  5. Concern over climate change is on the rise. Sadly, few of those talking about it see cutting waste as a priority.
You can read about them @

I'm not sure I would have picked these particular five, but they appear to make sense.

What do you think?

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