Monday, June 29, 2015

UT Students Compare George Washington To Hitler

It was bound to happen sooner or later. Now college students in Texas want a statue of George Washington to be taken down:

Here is another excerpt from my novella No More Patriots:

Over the top of the amphitheater stage was a banner that read “WE MUST TELL THE TRUTH.” And telling the truth was the theme of today’s ceremony. In imitation of previous dedications of the statues on Mount Rushmore, a national essay contest had been held with the goal of restating what Borglum’s sculptures meant to today’s children. The winners in the grade school, high school, and college categories would be reading their winning entries to the crowd and the honored guests, including all of America’s living former Presidents. A satellite hookup would beam their words to a national audience.

Following an introduction by one of Borglum’s descendants, the first essay contest winner, a girl in the fourth grade from California, belted out her interpretation of the monument.

“All of these men were extremists and war mongers. Washington and Jefferson were lifelong slave owners. Abraham Lincoln did as little as possible to free the slaves, and Roosevelt did everything he could to enslave the people of the Philippines. How can such men possibly still be our heroes? And why hasn’t America paid reparations to the descendants of her millions of slaves?”

That was rather blunt but certainly accurate, I thought to myself. The United States was badly in need of a truth commission and a program of reparations, but several key members of Congress were adamantly opposed to such things. Prior to today, in America the wages of truth had been death.

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If you would like to read this timely book, it is available here. There is probably no better short description anywhere of what is currently happening in the United States:

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