Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Greek Reforms Foreshadow The Impacts Of TPP, TTIP, TISA

The Greek government apparently is giving in to its creditors:

The proposals of the Greek Government to the Troika provide for the increase of taxes and social contributions in the amount of 7.3 billion. It is extremely doubtful that the Syriza coalition in the Greek Parliament can agree to this program.

http://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2015/06/23/griechische-reformen-steuern-sollen-massiv-erhoeht-werden/ [translation required]

Something very much like this will happen in the US once TPP, TTIP, TISA, and the other traitorous treaties become law. The oligarchs, bankgangsters, and corporations will demand austerity, "our" government will enact it, and "our" military and police will enforce it upon We The People.

Bye-bye, America. The grand experiment is just about over. The royal class is on the verge of winning a great victory. And in spite of all the many tools granted to you by The Founders, you are surrendering without having fired a shot.


And whether or not you believe me, you had better start to figure out how you and your family are going to survive once TPP et al. become law:

If you lose your job to the Trans-Pacific Partnership, you will get insufficient "assistance," followed by less-funded Medicare support. If you don't lose your job, you'll still be dealing with the smoking hole in Medicare funding made by the trade bill that caused your neighbor to lose her house after she lost her job.

You can read the rest @

The writing is on the wall. TPP et al. will be the excuse used to destroy what remains of our safety net.

Just when are you going to figure out that "your" government and the MSM are your mortal enemies?

Update: And something similar has just hit El Salvador, too:


Nation states are on their way down. Obama ad-Dajjal has been lying to you. These traitorous treaties have little to do with trade. They are all about increasing corporate power and creating a new global royalty class.

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