Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Very Essence Of The Banking Industry

Please read this essay and then watch the short embedded video:

But this is the very essence of the banking industry ... to make us all, whether we be nations or individuals, slaves to debt.

If you understand that principle, then you can begin to understand what is happening in the world today.

And then you should read this longer essay which will help you understand where all this is headed:

As I warned in early November 2013, the global corporatocracy is almost fully operational. The intentions of those negotiating the multiple trade treaties are now crystal clear: to place complete power and control over our economies in the hands of the largest global corporations, many of which bear the lion’s share of responsibility for the economic and environmental mess we’re already in.

This is one of the reasons why Obama ad-Dajjal will never be held accountable for any of the horrible things he does. His job is to help put in place this global corporatocracy, and as long as he completes that mission he can do (or not do) anything he wants.

Mr. and Mrs. America, you have been sold out by your so-called leaders. You're sheep being led to the slaughter by ravening wolves. Every aspect of your government, "news" media, and culture has been modified so as to facilitate and/or participate in your destruction.

And no one, I repeat NO ONE, is coming to help you except Jesus ... but you're not going to like it when He does:

When He returns during the End of Days, He will do the following to punish the inhabitants of the earth:

  • He will spread pestilence
  • He will cause strife and bloodshed
  • He will kill the wicked
  • He will spread famine

And you then will take the mark in a foolish attempt to save your life and the lives of your family. You don't even have the courage to resist thugs like Dick Cheney and Obama ad-Dajjal. How are you going to resist the Antichrist and the False Prophet?

This is one of the chief reasons America is fighting the Muslim Ummah: they have the requisite knowledge and the courage to resist. And in the service of Satan, America is trying to take that away from them.

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