Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Ron Paul Speaks Up About Iraq

Haven't we already done enough damage in the Middle East?

In 2006, I invited the late General Bill Odom to address my Thursday Congressional luncheon group. Gen. Odom, a former NSA director, called the Iraq war “the greatest strategic disaster in American history," and told the surprised audience that he could not understand why Congress had not impeached the president for pushing this disaster on the United States. History continues to prove the General’s assessment absolutely correct.

In September, 2002, arguing against a US attack on Iraq, I said the following on the House Floor:

"No credible evidence has been produced that Iraq has or is close to having nuclear weapons. No evidence exists to show that Iraq harbors al Qaeda terrorists. Quite to the contrary, experts on this region recognize Hussein as an enemy of the al Qaeda and a foe to Islamic fundamentalism."

Unfortunately, Congress did not listen.

No, Congress did not listen ... at least not to Dr. Paul. They listened to Israel and the traitorous NeoCons who supported the Israeli agenda.

We no longer have a government that cares about the American people or our true interests. You can expect more stupidity from them in the days ahead.

And in case you forgot, the Chief of Staff of the Army said the following last year:

Gen. Ray Odierno said his greatest fear is to receive an order to deploy thousands of troops. And with good reason.

The Army has only two combat-ready brigades right now, he said. Even the ones headed to Afghanistan are qualified for the trainer and adviser mission, not combat.

Odierno said he hopes to get the number of trained and equipped brigades to seven by June 2014.

OK, it's June 2014. Are the seven brigades ready? If they are, isn't it a strange coincidence that ISIS has decided to rear its ugly head at just the right time?

Hmmm ... makes me wonder.

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