Friday, June 7, 2024

Christian Fascists ???

Chris Hedges seems to be fixated on what he and others call "Christian fascists". He recently made the following observation about one of his former teachers:

"And I remember him saying to me, when you’re my age, you’ll all be fighting the Christian fascists, which seemed rather far-fetched, as brilliant as he was at the time, but he was right."

Source -

I don't know about you, but my reading of the Gospels and the Book of Revelation leads me to believe that "Christian fascists" is exactly what we're going to get ... and they'll all be working on the side of the Lord.

Yes, there will be puppy dogs, rainbows, and the playing of harps, but not before there's fire, brimstone, weeping, gnashing of teeth, and ruling with a rod of iron.

How does that NOT sound like "fascism", at least in the context of how most people understand that word? And the people who are and who will practice it are not "ideologically" motivated, they are SCRIPTURALLY MOTIVATED.

He must be reading a different Bible than the one I have.

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