Saturday, June 29, 2024

Another First Strike Warning

Here is a report about something "our" government has been doing:

US strategic nuclear forces are on heightened nuclear alert. A US Navy ballistic missile submarine USS Ohio surfaced in the Norwegian Sea, accompanied by the Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Normandy, while the so-called EA-6B Mercury "apocalypse plane" flew in the air along with the maritime patrol aircraft P- 8A Poseidon.

The "Apocalypse Plane" broadcast an Emergency Action Message (EMA) to the ballistic missile submarine. The EAM is a coded message transmitted via a VLF antenna on an SSBN for a specific action.

US forces conducted a simulated nuclear first strike against Russia, a breath away from Russian borders. The operation lasted five hours.

Source - [translation from Greek to English required]

I get the impression many believe this sends a 'warning' which will make Russia think twice about ever starting a nuclear war.

In my opinion, it does the exact opposite. Actions like this and others (such as destroying their early warning radars), make it extremely likely the Russians will think we may conduct a first strike. They have said all along this is one of the existential threats which would compel THEM to launch first.

US/UK/Western leaders are NUTS to do such things.

Pray hard, for without divine intervention I'd say we don't have a snowball's chance in hell of avoiding nuclear war.

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