Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Tritium Extraction

Here is a report about recent successful US efforts to extract tritium for nuclear weapons:


Conveniently left out of the story is any mention of when, where, and how that tritium was PRODUCED.

It used to be produced in several old reactors at the Savannah River Site (SRS) in South Carolina, but they are no longer in operation. And it was going to be produced at SRS in a "new production reactor", but that never happened. I know because I worked at SRS, and the new production reactor project office was right next door to mine.

This "new" tritium was made in COMMERCIAL power reactors. The switch to this source is a fundamental change in how the nation's nuclear complex is structured, and it is a potentially dangerous step in the global proliferation of nuclear weapons. Why? Because it demonstrates that anyone with a light-water, enriched uranium power reactor has the capability to make the plutonium and tritium necessary for the fabrication of hydrogen bombs.

And since TPTB seem to be promoting that nuclear power is somehow "green", we're likely to see new nuke plants popping up everywhere. If they do, how in hell are we going to make certain they don't fall into the wrong hands?

Short answer? We're not, so we better stop selling nuclear technology NOW, before we have a real mess on our hands.

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