Monday, September 27, 2021

Portrait Of An Idiot

John Bolton is at it again, this time claiming the Taliban will get nukes from Pakistan:

Does this nonsense benefit the USA, or Israel? And is it believable?

If the US had wanted to rein in nuclear weapons, it never would have allowed Israel to develop them, never would have shared nuclear technology with India, and would be working tirelessly to ensure the Saudis don't get nukes. But none of that did or will happen.

So what's the big deal? If you want the Taliban to "behave", just stop screwing with them. I don't think they EVER were our enemies until we forced them into that corner by invading their country.

If anyone should be banned from the MSM and social media, it is people like Bolton who seem never to avoid a misguided opportunity to yell "the sky is falling", especially when it benefits his Israeli sponsors to do so.

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