Monday, May 3, 2021

Daily Digest - 5/3/2021

Here are today's questions:

Why is everyone afraid of auditing the results of the 2020 election?

Why has NO court deigned to REALLY examine the evidence of electoral fraud?

If, as is claimed, the election is over and Biden won, then what's the big deal? Certainly any audits would confirm such claims, right?

Here is today's fervent hope, from FreeSpeechFan:

It is comforting that the Fourth turning is part of a natural cycle but also very disturbing that it is a period of crisis. As we know from previous cycles, many people suffer and die during a fourth turning. However, I think we all know that a crisis is upon us as the corruption, collusion, scheming, propaganda, and self interest reaches its peak. The worst of the baby boomers, Biden, Kerry, Pelosi, Bill Gates, are at their worst. We don’t yet know what will take their place, but their chaos and selfishness will be swept aside as order, rules, truth, and structure takes its place. The movement will be from Yin to Yang, Chaos to Order, Freedom to Self Control, Self Interest to the Collective, Corruption to Honor, Secular to Faith. There will be a “New World Order” but not the one chosen for us by the Bush Cabal or the CCP Cabal or the Globalist Cabal. They are the cause of the crisis but not the solution. Gen X will help smooth the path of the crisis, but only the millennials hold the answer to the question of what will the New World Order look like. I hope they choose well, as it does not have to be communisms, fascism, or socialism – it won’t be! These are tired old doctrines that don’t work, they are being used as facades for the corrupt to hide their true motives behind. They will be swept away, too!

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Here is today's blatant example of how the US government essentially ignores our constitution (read at your leisure):

And here is today's blatant example of how TPTB ignore our fundamental human rights:

The vaccination rollout is becoming tiresome, because it breaks too many laws to keep track of. There’s the Nuremberg code, and the Helsinki Declaration, and Unesco’s Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights. They all say the same thing: people can not be coerced, let alone mandated, into being part of a medical experiment. It’s highly illegal. Yet that is what’s happening with the so-called vaccines. And no, it’s not about the level of risk involved, it’s simply illegal. These codes and declarations were written to counter the acts of totalitarian regimes, remember that.

People can not be threatened with restrictions of any kind involving travel, or work, or anything else, if they don’t comply. They must be informed fully about the dangers inherent in the experiment, and only then perhaps agree to participate in the experiment. It’s called informed consent. Which of course precludes the participation of children in such an experiment, because they can’t be expected to fully understand the information offered, even if it is offered. But we are still talking about vaccinating children. It’s astonishing.

"The Nuremberg Code requires an individual’s informed consent before receiving experimental medical interventions. And that principle is in the 1964 Helsinki Declaration, which has been codified at Federal and State level in the USA [and many other countries]."

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Hillary Clinton and her ilk claim that the basket of deplorables are living in another world, and they're right. We're trying to live in the world described in the US Constitution; while they're living in a fantasy world designed to destroy that sacred document.

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