Thursday, November 7, 2019

Tulsi's Theory

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard thinks Saudi Arabia (SA) was involved in 9/11:

Yes Tulsi, they were. But is that the REAL story?

Did SA have the ability to plan the attacks to coincide with the drills held that day?

Did they somehow bestow magical powers upon the pilots from SA who allegedly flew the planes with precision even the best US pilots could not have done?

Did SA have the ability to suspend the laws of physics that day and cause WTC1 and WTC2 to turn into dust before our very eyes?

Did SA have the power to destroy all the physical evidence at Ground Zero and/or ship it offshore to be melted down?

Did SA have the power to confiscate and suppress all the video evidence of what hit the Pentagon (except that one video which appears to show nothing)?

Dear Tulsi - The real plotters, whoever they were, had to have been helped by parties within the US military-industrial-information complex. Unless you want to go after them, you're wasting our time.

And if you do go after them, you'll be laughed off the electoral stage ... or worse. Just remember what happened to Seth Rich.

Oh, wait ... that's a conspiracy theory, too.

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