Thursday, November 8, 2018

Is US Going Broke ???

According to this report, the US is going broke:

The U.S. debt-to-GDP ratio is at the highest level in history (106%), with the exception of the immediate aftermath of the Second World War. At least in 1945, the U.S. had won the war and our economy dominated world output and production. Today, we have the debt without the global dominance.

The U.S. has always been willing to increase debt to fight and win a war, but the debt was promptly scaled down and contained once the war was over. Today, there is no war comparable to the great wars of American history, and yet the debt keeps growing.

You can read the rest @

Q: Why didn't people bring this up while Obama ad-Dajjal was adding $9 trillion to the deficit?

A: Because it's OK for Democrats to wreck the country, but a sin when Republicans do anything.

According to some, it wasn't Obama ad-Dajjal who spent that $9 trillion we didn't have. REALLY? Whose signature was on every spending bill he signed into law?

Jeez, people - will SOMEONE please take responsibility for the mess we're in?

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