Saturday, September 9, 2017

What's Wrong With This Geopolitical Picture ???

Running for president last year, Republican Senator Ted Cruz was widely ridiculed for telling a young girl that "the world's on fire." That may not have been the most politically astute way to talk to a three-year-old, but you have to admit Cruz has a few facts on his side: North Korea's nuclear bombast; a Taliban resurgence in Afghanistan; last-gasper Islamic State forces hanging on in Syria and Iraq; Iran arming to the teeth its proxy forces in Lebanon and Yemen; China's fake-island building; Russia's positioning hundreds of thousands of troops on the borders of NATO allies; and increasing terrorist activity in North and Sub-Saharan Africa.

You'd think the U.S. military would have its hands full just managing these crises.

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Here is what is wrong with this picture:

  1. North Korea's nuclear bombast - this is a problem of our own making.
  2. a Taliban resurgence in Afghanistan - we turned THEM into our enemy.
  3. last-gasper Islamic State forces hanging on in Syria and Iraq - ISIS/ISIL is a creation of the US and Israel.
  4. Iran arming to the teeth its proxy forces in Lebanon and Yemen - this would not be happening if our allies Israel and Saudi Arabia weren't threatening and/or actually attacking Lebanon and Yemen.
  5. China's fake-island building - it's their backyard; what are we even doing there?
  6. Russia's positioning hundreds of thousands of troops on the borders of NATO allies - they are only doing this in response to US provocation and NATO aggression;
  7. increasing terrorist activity in North and Sub-Saharan Africa - This is mainly due to the fact that Obama ad-Dajjal and Hillary destroyed the sovereign nation of Libya.

Bloomberg is full of crap and vile propaganda.

"Our" government and its military are our own worst enemies. And Israel is right up there vying for second place.

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