As we should have expected, in the wake of the 11/13 attacks in Paris France will institute their own version of the Patriot Act:
[What Francois Hollande proposes] is "to provide an appropriate tool for founding taking exceptional measures, for a certain period without going through the state of siege nor deny civil liberties". Clearly, this would be a somewhat state of emergency "light" in terms of the powers granted to the State, but may last longer. A proposal which is not without recalling the "Patriot Act" that the Bush administration had vote after September 11, 2001.
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Why is it that when both the US and France were attacked by terrorists who allegedly "hate our freedoms", both governments immediately curtailed those freedoms? Doesn't that mean the terrorists got what they wanted?
Whatever the case, liberté, égalité, and fraternité are no more.
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