Monday, July 15, 2024

SCOTUS Confusion

I firmly believe SCOTUS has completely bungled the POTUS immunity ruling, and opinions like this one are ridiculous:

Why? Because of this requirement in the US Constitution, which I have mentioned before:

Article II, Section 3:

... he [the President] shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed ...

To me, this means that anything he does which is NOT legal or constitutional CANNOT be considered an official act. He cannot make up laws, nor can he ignore the ones which already are on the books.

To those who may claim it's too hard to keep track of all our laws, I say BS. It would be a relatively simple matter to keep track of them all in the cloud and to analyze potential presidential acts to verify their legal status prior to acting. A set of pre-authorized situations (e.g., taking the nation to war) could be analyzed to allow quick action in emergency situations.

No US President can or should be a dictator, but in my opinion Biden sure seems to be acting like one.

And by the way, it's OUR Constitution [We the People]. Courts and lawyers are there to advise us, but WE are the ones who decide what it means.

At least that's my two cents.

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