Friday, April 14, 2023

The Hitler - Biden Nexus

The world's experience with Adolf Hitler contains valuable lessons for today's US.

It starts with Hitler's creation of a totalitarian state, in which he ruled by decree over a population subject to relentless surveillance and threats to their well-being. COVID-19 and the Twitter files have demonstrated that the Biden administration has nearly caught up with the achievements of Hitler, Goebbels, and the Gestapo in that regard, and in some areas has surpassed them. Even more striking is the realization that neither the German people nor US citizens offered much resistance while totalitarian states were being built around them. In fact, many citizens of both nations encouraged their development.

There finally was some whimpering toward the end, but it didn't stop the inevitable. On July 20, 1944, elements of the German officer corps attempted to assassinate Hitler, but what they mainly accomplished was their own demise. On January 6, 2021, a confused mob of US citizens attempted to thwart what they believed to be a stolen election, but what they too accomplished was mostly their own demise. And in both cases, the respective totalitarian states were greatly strengthened in their resolve to crack down on all resisters.

Some today in the US think they're going to "take back" their country through the electoral process. They are deluding themselves. No dictator has EVER voluntarily given up power just because of an election. Whoever is running the US (Biden, Obama, the oligarchs, who knows for certain?) isn't going to, either. And Congress won't be much help - they can't even rein in the military branches and government agencies they fund and are supposed to oversee.

No, the US government may soon go off the rails on a crazy train which is rushing headlong toward a deadly conflict with Russia, China, and Iran. You and I cannot stop that train; we long ago gave up any semblance of control. But as bad as that sounds, perhaps there is a silver lining in those gathering storm clouds.

How was the Hitler regime stopped and Germany brought back to her senses? By being defeated in a world war by a group of nations who banded together against fascist aggression. And sadly, that is what may now happen to us. The rest of the world, long-suffering and tired of America's overbearing ways, may indeed defeat us in the hybrid war which OUR "leaders" so recklessly started.

But if we're fortunate, and I hope we will be, the victors of that war will punish US warmongers and force our nation back to an era of truth, justice, and a new, better American Way. One thing seems certain, nobody here is going to do it.

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