Tuesday, February 7, 2023

The Impact Of AI

Here's a perspective we don't often hear:

Meanwhile, grasping onto my own balloon string for a final paragraph, one can argue the Fed is wrong on the payrolls front longer term because it doesn’t grasp the enormity of what is about to hit in terms of AI. Neither does the financial industry. As ChatGPT is rolled out as part of the Microsoft Office suite, a Bloomberg markets’ survey about the impact of AI yesterday saw two thirds of respondents say it would not replace their job. I would posit that the correlation between the people who said that and the people who are easily replaced by an AI is positive and high. Indeed, the impact will be felt across the entire services economy: and we don’t even need humans for their political biases anymore from what ChatGPT will and won’t write so far. Then again, as Twitter perhaps shows, only a core of white-collar workers are needed to actually run firms, and the rest can go help rebuild the UK or US army, or such-like. What an irony that would be: the people who patronisingly told blue-collar workers to ‘learn to code’ being told to become blue-collar workers, because that’s just progress.

Source - https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/sound-even-more-balloons-bursting

Would all y'all please wake up to the fact that AI cannot possibly be good for humanity?

How will the masses get fed when they have no income and TPTB control all the food resources?

Hint: A tax on billionaires is not the answer. Neither "Joe Biden" nor anyone else intends to feed us. Everything they are doing leads inexorably to our deaths.

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