Friday, October 28, 2022

Malone Talks

Here is a rather lengthy talk given by Dr. Robert Malone:

If he's telling the truth, the main impetus for the mRNA gene therapy injections appears to be based on MILITARY considerations:

We have to have some technology to enable rapid response for special forces teams that are going to go in to wherever the bad guys are when we detect them and address that problem and take them out. Those special forces need to be protected. We need to have capabilities that can be deployed at the battalion level. We need to have capabilities that can be deployed at the population level. This RNA tech was one of the ones, together with monoclonal antibodies, that the government has long believed had huge potential to enable that type of rapid response.

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That implies we're all just lab rats in a giant experiment to see if better offensive/defensive weapons can be created to deal with our enemies. And apparently we have MANY enemies and NO diplomats or peacemakers.

I am not OK with that. Are you?

One thing left out of the conversation is that in spite of what the FBI says, the 9/11 "anthrax attacks" were false flag events. It's extremely unlikely Dr. Bruce Ivins had anything to do with them. The most plausible source of those particular anthrax spores was a state actor with biowarfare capabilities, including the US government itself.

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