Monday, October 1, 2018

Shifting Political Power In US

According to this report, the Kavanaugh "affair" stems from a battle for political power:

And according to this woman, the case against Kavanaugh is too weak to prosecute:

This tells me two things:
  1. In addition to becoming second class citizens, men are being denied due process.
  2. Political power now reaches far beyond the voting booth, intruding into every aspect of our lives.

Q: What did I, a white boomer male, do wrong ... except attempt to act the way my parents, my community, and my government wanted me to?

A: I backed the losing side in a massive global revolution. So now I'm Public Enemy No. 1.

Q: How did THAT happen?

A: The Internet and social media.

Q: Who controls them?

A: Evil, greedy people who seek power, not justice.

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