Monday, May 27, 2013

The rise of the phoenix

Did you happen to notice the presence of the phoenix bird in the 2008 Presidential election?

Obama ad-Dajjal allegedly was born in Hawaii, and the phoenix bird is present on that state's seal:

His opponent Senator John McCain represents the State of Arizona, whose capital is Phoenix, and the phoenix bird is present on that city's seal:

Members of the inaugural committee included Senator Diane Feinstein of California (formerly mayor of San Francisco) and Representative Nancy Pelosi, whose Congressional district includes San Francisco. The phoenix bird is present on the seal of the city and county of San Francisco:

Why the phoenix? This mythical bird is said to live for 500 years. It then lays an egg in a nest of  cinnamon, frankincense and myrrh; sets the nest on fire; and dies but is reborn from the flames.

In 1492 Christopher Columbus brought Christianity to the Americas. 500 years later, in 1992, Bill Clinton was elected President of the United States. He, his so-called wife, and their minions (including Obama ad-Dajjal) then began a relentless assault on Christianity, and it appears they and a majority of Americans are hell bent on its destruction.

Although its nest contained frankincense and myrrh, the phoenix which perished and was reborn in 1992 has nothing at all to do with Christ.

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