Monday, February 17, 2025

The Meaning Of Trump's Gaza Plan

Here is what I believe to be the real meaning of Trump's plan for Gaza:

"Everyone is focused on Gaza, but that is only one part of the end-of-days agenda, which has the Jews living in Israel’s prophesied borders," Rabbi Fish said. "The Torah explicitly includes Gaza. What Trump is doing is cleaning out Gaza of all the haters of Israel. They cannot be in Israel after the Messiah comes. After the Messiah, the only people who can be in the Biblical borders of Israel are those who believe He is One and His name is One. This will include Gaza, half of Lebanon, and much of Jordan.

"And we see that we are almost there. Syria fell. Lebanon is half gone. Gaza is ripped up. The stage is nearly set for Messiah. But how can the Palestinians be here when we go to greet the Messiah? The Messiah needs someone to take care of this, and in this case, it is Donald Trump. Trump is merely carrying out the final tasks needed before Messiah is revealed," Rabbi Fish said.

Source -

Yes, it's one of the mile markers on the path to arrival of Messiah, but these particular words also make something else clear:

After the Messiah, the only people who can be in the Biblical borders of Israel are those who believe He is One and His name is One.

That implies that Christians do not belong there, either.

If that's what the rabbi means, why are Christians supporting the House of Israel and the House of Judah in this effort?

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Collisions At Sea

You probably wonder how something like this could happen:

Well, in a former life I was a qualified officer of the deck and a line officer in the US Navy.

But in reality, my ship handling skills and knowledge of the rules of the road were pitiful. I don't remember EVER getting any training on such stuff my whole time in the Navy. I had to learn it on my own and didn't do such a good job.

And it's easy to get overwhelmed when you're on watch, especially on a huge vessel like an aircraft carrier.

Digital Control

Here is a summary of how Trump's version of a digital control grid is rapidly being constructed:

This really started to gain traction after 9/11, a false flag attack intended to destroy what was left of the US constitutional republic.

Once this system is complete, there will be no going back.

WTFU !!!

Bad Behavior

Another excellent essay by EKO:

Judges who exhibit this sort of bad behavior should be removed from the bench and (if warranted) prosecuted for what they have done.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Say Goodbye To The Penny

Do you remember this prediction from Kelly Mitchell's 2013 book Gold Wars?

"Most hyperinflations feature a disappearance of the coinage. When the penny disappears, mark that date down. Hyperinflation may be near."

Source -

Well guess what? Trump has cancelled the penny:

Considering everything else now going on, this does not bode well for our currency.

But don't pin this all on Trump - nearly our entire government is to blame for what has been happening and what will happen. He's just the patsy.

Friday, February 7, 2025

D.O.G.E. - A Love Story

Here is a wonderful, almost romantic description of what the Department of Government Efficiency has been doing and should be doing:

This is the best opportunity in my lifetime for We the People to see how OUR MONEY has been spent and why OUR NATIONAL DEBT is so high.

Congress, SCOTUS, and previous administrations have NOT been exercising adequate oversight in such matters. D.O.G.E. can (and hopefully will) provide a complete baseline assessment as well as recommendations for all the spending we can do without. And then Trump and Congress should enact massive cuts.

My advice at this point is to "damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead !!!"

Thursday, February 6, 2025

War On The Cartels ???

Whatever Trump and Co. have planned for the cartels will be no cakewalk. They (the cartels) are highly organized and armed to the teeth with all the modern weapons their profits can buy:

This will be an interesting "war", and sadly it almost certainly will spill over into US territory.

Are you happy now?