Monday, October 14, 2024

The Real J6 Insurrection

Yes, there was an insurrection on J6, but it wasn't what we've been told by the MSM. You can read about two aspects of it here:

... and here:

Those of you who may still respect our military leaders should rethink the situation. Many generals and admirals have become insubordinate opportunists more concerned about their retirement benefits than in our nation's security.

And don't get me started about the FBI. I'm not certain just WHAT they can be relied upon to do.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Some Ominous Trends In Artificial Intelligence

Here is an excellent piece about AI:

I get the impression the author thinks such trends are a good thing. I don't.

If AI no longer follows "human" thinking, it's also likely it won't respect human values. At that point we become just another obstacle in the way of a new class of omnipotent, omniscient beings.

That may very well herald the end of humanity.

Triumph Of The Economic Hit Men

Here is an excellent recounting by Tom Luongo of the last several years of geopolitical and financial events in the UK and elsewhere:

It's a bit long, but it you can spare the time I highly recommend reading the entire essay. By the time you finish you'll realize the two prize targets for the hit men include not only Russia ... but the USA as well.

And if you've been paying attention, you'll also realize the 2024 election may well be the most important event since 9/11.

I'm tempted to say vote early and often, but I don't recommend that anyone cheat.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Constitution Day 2024

"Joe Biden" has issued a proclamation honoring Constitution Day (September 17). You can read it here:

Note well he mentions rights such as the right to vote, the right to reproductive freedom, the right to choose (have an abortion), the rights of citizenship, etc.

He does NOT focus on any of the rights enshrined in the first ten amendments of the US Constitution, the so-called Bill of Rights. I believe that is because those rights no longer exist, or if they do it is in a highly altered form.

Here is an essay which explains how those fundamental rights have been taken away. If you are interested I suggest you read it in full:

"Joe Biden", Kamala Harris, and their ilk have done little or nothing to preserve those fundamental rights, and in many cases appear to have been instrumental in their evisceration.

Think about THAT on this Constitution Day 2024, and ask yourself why we have allowed it to happen.

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Three Generations Of Banality

I read this essay today about US government employees who it says carry out policies which harm people around the world. It invokes Hannah Arendt's phrase "the banality of evil":

It made me think of Ward Churchill's essay "Some People Push Back", On the Justice of Roosting Chickens, which suggested the people working in the World Trade Center on 9/11 were "little Eichmanns":

I'll point no fingers at either group of employees. It's up to them and their families to decide their level of culpability, if any.

But all three publications now make me think about my own role as a former nuclear submarine officer, one of whose duties was to validate orders for the launching of nuclear weapons. Had such orders ever been given and executed on my watch, what would that have made me?

Some may say that anyone in such a position is hardly "banal"; after all, the whole point of our role would have been to literally unleash hell on earth. But to be honest, I never thought of it that way at the time. Unlike the recruiting slogan, it was just a job ... not really an adventure. [In fact, I admitted as much during my job interview with ADM Rickover.]

Right now there are hundreds of military officers out there who are ready, willing, and able to launch such weapons, complete with super-fuze warheads in a preemptive first strike attack against the latest putative "axis of evil". What should we call them? Will there even be anyone left to make such a determination once the missiles fly?

Shouldn't we all right now stop and think about what we're doing and what we might be called upon to do ... before the time comes? Or should we all just carry on doing our jobs efficiently, just following orders?

Friday, August 30, 2024

Nuclear War Fever

Here is a VERY important discussion about "Biden's" nuclear war strategy:

To call this a "preemptive strike technology" is TOTAL BULLSHIT. Super-fuze makes Trident a FIRST STRIKE WEAPON.

All the associated nonsense, including the decades-long demonization of Russia, is INTENTIONALLY crafted to make you think it's preemptive. Russia wouldn't have attacked us in a million years had we left them alone. We (at least the psychopaths that run the US) have been trying to goad them into a nuclear war ever since 1945. We're not "preempting" anything, we're PROVOKING.

Also note the linked report says nothing about the consequences of "winning" such a preemptive war. Even if the Russians only managed to launch a few weapons following a US attack, the immediate death toll would be huge, and the ultimate impact of the fallout from OUR weapons and the nuclear winter such a war would cause would probably kill most life on the planet.

And by the way, adopting such a nuclear strategy AND shooting at Russia's early warning radars make it MUCH more likely they might launch on warning.

Are you happy now?

Democracy Or Just Clinging To Power ???

Here is a discussion of the mess Democrats created by pulling Biden off the ballot at the last minute:

There was nothing "democratic" about how they chose their candidates.

If they cannot even handle a simple election, why should anyone think they can run the country?